Insomnia is an issue most of will face at some point in our lives. It's especially an issue women in menopause and anyone experiencing overwhelming stress. These are some easy and effective techniques we can begin using today.
Heart Centered Breathing: This is a meditation/visualization technique in many styles of meditation and relaxation methods. it is used to establish a healthy connection between our mind/thoughts and our heart/emotions. It is immediately calming and helpful in transforming negative thoughts and emotions into more positive, healthy ones.
Inhale for 5 seconds and exhale slowly for 7 seconds through the nose while sending your attention to your heart. Place one hand over your heart and one over your solar plexus. Breathing into any discomfort and tension in your body and recognizing emotions such as anxiety, anger, frustration etc. Then imagine your heart smiling and relaxing. Continue breathing in this way for 10-20 cycles.
You have immediately changed your heart brain connection, created more focus, and calmed your nervous system. You can use this technique morning and evening and throughout the day as needed. With practice it can be done in as little time as a minute.
Helpful Stress Support Supplements:
Magnesium 500-1,000 mg per day. Vit D3 1,000-5,000 IUs (get your levels tested to see if you're low) B Complex
Chinese Patent Formulas can be very useful after a traditional Chinese Medicine evaluation.
Insomnia can be a medical issue and these suggestions may not work for you. If you're on medication, always ask your Dr. about safety of herbs and drug interaction. Meditation can be tried in almost any circumstance and can have a long lasting positive effect when practiced regularly. Insomnia and anxiety are often treated with Chinese Medicine with positive results.